To the 71st anniversary of the Great Victory: The exhibition “On all the fronts I met artists” in Saint-Petersburg

15 May 2016

In the exhibition hall of the Memorial Museum "All ranks Petersburg" was opened the exhibition "On all the fronts I met artists" dedicated to the Victory Day. The exhibition presents postcards of 1940-1960s with the image of movie stars and frame of the movie. Each hero card is a military biography and filmography of the military, and sometimes both. Of particular interest is the collection of postcards with images of actors and scenes from the pre-war movies. Often these old tapes were showed during military sessions at the front and in the rear. They gave people faith in the possibility of the return of the old peaceful life.

A special section of the exhibition is snapshots of war films of 1980-1990s from the fund of G. S. Lisak provided by Museum of Local History in Lomonosov.