History and culture: The exhibition “Masterpieces of Moscow Pushkiniana from the State Pushkin Museum collection” in Saint-Petersburg

6 May 2016

From 27 May to 14 August 2016 in Neva curtain of the Peter and Paul fortress will be held the exhibition "Masterpieces of the Moscow Pushkiniana from the State Pushkin Museum".

The exhibition provides a unique opportunity to meet the residents of the northern capital with the collection of the State Pushkin Museum in Moscow. The museum began its existence in 1957 almost without a single exhibit, and in the shortest time formed its collection thanks to the collecting activities of employees, by other museums and individuals. The structure of the museum collections includes materials related to the life and work of Pushkin, his era and posthumous glory, with the history of literature and art of the time. This paintings and graphic portraits of Pushkin and his contemporaries, the types of Russian Pushkin's time, rare book editions, manuscripts, objects of decorative art, sculpture and furniture. Among the exhibits there are also memorial origin belonging to relatives and acquaintances of the poet, and the subjects age, allowing to recreate the broad historical picture of that time.

Significant place in the museum collection takes portraiture, the core of which are lifetime portraits of Pushkin. The exhibition presents a miniature portrait of Pushkin-child work, Xavier de Maistre, who became a symbol of Moscow Pushkiniana.

On the picturesque ceremonial and chamber portraits of the XVIII - XIX centuries, presented at the exhibition, are depicted representatives of the Russian nobility of the era. Wide and diverse range of artists - authors of these portraits. Among the portraits of Pushkin's contemporaries - images of his friends, relatives and social acquaintances. Old inscription on the back of the canvas, stickers and labels on a stretcher many portraits testify to the fact that once they were in the family meetings, and this is their intrinsic value.

The atmosphere of the era also helps to feel rare book editions, devoted to Moscow, and objects of decorative art.