The peoples of Russia: The “Festal Dress of the peoples of Russia” exhibition from the collection of the Historical Museum in Moscow

28 June 2016

The “Festal Dress of the Peoples of Russia” exhibition from the collection of the Historical Museum opens on June 28, 2016, in Moscow.

An assemblage of fabrics and costumes of the Historical Museum is truly unique. Today it has more than 400 thousand items, letting to present the history of textiles in Russia since the XII century, and a costume - from the XVI century. These diverse and extensive collections tell the history of weaving, embroidery, lace making, the pieces of church daily round, urban fashion suit, military uniform, and children's clothes.

The Historical Museum for the first time in a form of separate exhibition presents a collection of traditional festive dress of the Russian peoples. Shaped for more than a century history of the museum, it includes first-class monuments of the end of XVIII-XX centuries: a traditional Russian dress that belonged to the residents of the European part of the country - from the Far North to the southern counties, from Smolensk to the Perm Territory; the festive dresses of the peoples of the Volga River basin, the North Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East.

The costume ensembles are completed with the items related to the traditional weaving and embroidery - colorful folk art monuments of the XIX - the early XX centuries.

By means of multimedia the photographs, which was brought by the historical and habitable expeditions of the State Historical Museum on 1930-1960-ies are shown at the exhibition for the first time.