Museums of Russia: The Manege Central Exhibition Hall opened in St Petersburg after restoration

28 June 2016
Source: Город+

The Manege Central Exhibition Hall in St. Petersburg was opened on June 27, 2016, after more than three years of renovation, with the “Contemporary Russian Artists - the Participants of the Venice Biennale. Selection” exhibition. Visitors will see the works of the participants of one of the most prestigious art reviews of the world in a completely renewed exhibition space.

As the director of the Manege Central Exhibition Hall Paul Prigara, the reconstruction, which began three years ago, has significantly changed the internal shape of the exhibition space, making it more convenient in means of technology.

The large-scale reconstructions in the Manege, which was built in 1804-1807 upon the project of Giacomo Quarenghi, and was intended for a training of horses and parade outings of the Life Guards Mounted Regiment, was carried out several times, with the last one in 1977, and from that moment Manege was used as an exhibition hall. Since when, the reconstructions of the building were not carried out. Now, there are Wi-Fi, video and data transmission systems, modern security system and much more in the exhibition hall. In addition, the interior space can be divided into separately controlled zones, where localized lighting and a sounding could be arranged.

The first exposition of renovated Manege includes the art objects, installations, paintings, video and media art.