International initiatives: The project to promote Russian literature in China

27 June 2016

In the Chinese capital was launched the project "10 masterpieces of Chinese literature in Russia and 10 masterpieces of Russian literature in China". Participants of the opening ceremony of the project were the heads of major media of both countries, government officials, artists, writers and poets.

According to the editor of the newspaper "Guangming Daily" Du Feytszinya, this project will enable the people of Russia and China to get acquainted with the culture of both countries, and thus get to know the people and the neighboring. He noted that the authors of the best books have always sought to nurture patriotism and instill high moral qualities, sense of social responsibility.

This project was part of the program of the Year of Russian and Chinese media. Its start was timed to the visit to China of President of Russia Vladimir Putin, which took place at the end of last week.

Expert Project Council is headed by Counsellor for Culture of the President of Russia Vladimir Tolstoy. Under his leadership will exist the heads of several academic institutes and higher educational institutions, Russian Book Chamber, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The jury from the Chinese side was headed by renowned specialist in Russian philology, translator and artist Gao Man.