Information technology and libraries: Mobile library in Perm

24 June 2016

In Perm, the ninth time the media information Festival "Book Square" dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the A. M. Gorky Regional Library was held. After the festival in the park it was deployed an interactive reading room, which was capable of operating in the open air.

These are three benches, designed in the form of disclosed pages, and two virtual booth, stylized shelves with tomes. On painted "roots" of volumes were applied QR-code. After scanning a camera that your gadget, equipped with the necessary software can be downloaded for free text, title and author of which appear above the code to your smartphone or tablet.

On the virtual shelves is located about 150 works of Russian and foreign writers, including English; a special section presents the book that served as the basis for the famous adaptations - in honor of the Year of Russian cinema.

To use the library is possible to owners of devices based on iOS, Android and Windows. The "Mobile Library" will last until the end of summer.