World museums: The State Tretyakov Gallery and the Victoria and Albert Museum to prepare exhibition on the impact of Russian art on European fashion

21 June 2016
Source: RIA News

The State Tretyakov Gallery will prepare a joint exhibition with the British Victoria and Albert Museum. The project devoted to the influence of Russian art in the development of Western fashion of the XX-XXI centuries is very ambitious and complex, so it takes a few years of training. The project was announced in London by directors of Victoria and Albert Museum and the Tretyakov Gallery Martin Roth and Zelfira Tregulova.

The exhibition will tell about the history and style in Russia: Russian folk culture, the influence of the royal court and the imperial costume, Russian avant-garde and revolutionary romanticism, "restructuring". Exhibits will be clothing, jewelry, photography, video, the work of famous artists and designers - from Bakst to Rodchenko, from Paul Poiret to Jean-Paul Gaultier. The art project will be based on the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery and Vogue magazine archive. Presumably, the exhibition will be held in London in 2020, in Moscow - in 2021.

According to Z. Tregulova, the exhibition will be a very ambitious project, and to participate in its implementation will not only be possible by the three main organizers, but also other museums, private collectors, artists, photographers and designers. The director of the State Tretyakov Gallery recalled that the museum had a vast collection of art of the 20th century, the world's largest collection of works by Natalia Goncharova and a huge archive.

Director of the two museums have expressed hope that the exhibition will be the first step towards a rethinking of cultural relations between Russia and Europe.