International events: The "Russian-Mongolian economic affairs. 1955-1985" exhibition in Moscow
On June 20, 2016, in the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History will open the historical and documentary exhibition “Russian-Mongolian Economic Affairs. 1955-1985.” The exhibition is held within the framework of the Russian-Mongolian Commission on Cooperation in the Field of Archives and is coincided to its future regular meeting.
The exhibition consists of four sections: Foreign Trade, Agriculture, Transport. Ulaanbaatar Railroad, Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.
The exhibition shows the development of trade relations between the USSR and Mongolia in 1950-1980-ies, as well as the friendly assistance, which the Soviet Union offered to Mongolia for decades.
It is prearranged to show the exhibition in Ulan Bator (Mongolia) in 2017.
The exhibition runs from June 20 to July 20, 2016.