The Year of Russian Cinema-2016: The Palace Square to be the largest street cinema in the open air in Russia

16 June 2016

From 16 to 19 June 2016 in the midst of the White Nights in St. Petersburg is celebrated film and music festival "Petersburg Holidays". Under the open sky near the walls of the Hermitage will be shown the Soviet and Russian films. During the four days of the festival on Palace Square, the audience will see more than 30 films. Thus, the Palace Square in St. Petersburg will be the largest street theater Russia.

Entrance to the festival "Petersburg Holidays" will be free for everyone, and the shows will run from early morning until late evening. In addition to the movie marathon at the Palace Square for the first time since 2007, it will take place the concert of the orchestra and chorus of the Mariinsky Theatre under Valery Gergiev.

The cinema marathon program is divided into five sections: "St. Petersburg history", "Heroes and Characters", "The Golden Age of Children's Film", "Cinema - is a woman", "Change!". In the "Petersburg history" will be included films, related to St. Petersburg. The block "Heroes and characters" include films about the fate of people who lived in the XX century. "The Golden Age of Children's Cinema" will present the film adaptation of fairy tales and children's books, great film actresses will be dedicated to the program "Cinema – is a woman". On the final block will be included films that talk about time and people that changed in the course of history.