History of Russia: The VII International Alexander Nevsky readings in Pskov

15 June 2016

15-16 June 2016 in Pskov are held traditional Alexander Nevsky readings. In the VII International Alexander Nevsky readings "Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky: past and present" participate scientists and cultural workers, clergy, social workers, soldiers, teachers, graduate students and educational institutions, students of the Pskov region and other regions of Russia, CIS and abroad.

The purpose of reading is to discuss the role of Alexander Nevsky in Russian military history and traditions of the military service, spiritual, moral and patriotic education of the youth of today.

The grand opening of the VII International Alexander Nevsky readings and plenary session will be held on June 15.

June 16 in the framework of the readings will be held different sections: "The heroic history of Russia from Alexander Nevsky to the present day", "Alexander Nevsky in the history of the Fatherland", "The image of Alexander Nevsky in the arts as an example for the education of the younger generation", and others.