Memorable dates of Russia: The exhibition to the 125th anniversary of the birth of the actor, theater teacher and director, Mikhail Alexandrovich Chekhov in Moscow

9 June 2016

The exhibition "Humanist of fierce time", dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the outstanding dramatic actor, director and theater teacher Michael Chekhov (1891-1955), is opened at the M. S. Shchepkin House-Museum (the branch of the A. A. Bakhrushin State Central Theater Museum) in Moscow.

The theatrical art is of much attention to actors, philosophers, actors, creators, actors-seekers, for which the stage becomes a kind of laboratory for the study of the deep layers of the human microcosm, the ways of its reflection in the artistic image. These were M. S. Shchepkin, K. S. Stanislavski. So was Michael Chekhov.

The exhibition introduces visitors to the creative path of the actor, teacher and director, tells about the outstanding events of his professional life. The exhibition presents unique photos and videos, in which Chekhov appears in brilliantly created by him theater and film images.

Of particular interest are the personal belongings of Michael Chekhov - photos from the family archives, self-portrait in the scenic form Ableukhov of "Petersburg" by Andrei Bely, a notebook, a membership card of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

Since 1928 Chekhov toured with great success all over the world. In 1935, in the English Dartington Hall, he opens the drama school, which aims to "create a new type of hero, a new type of plays, a new type of audience, a new type of play author, director, actor, who will be responsible for what occurs in souls spectators". In 1938 the school converted into a theater of Chekhov and transferred to America, where it was operated until 1941.

Until his death in 1955, Chekhov led teaching, living in the United States and acting in Hollywood. Among his students were the stars of world cinema.

The exhibition will run until September 25, 2016.