History and culture: Unique exhibits are presented at the exhibition “Alexander Pushkin. Biography” opened at the Pushkin House in Saint-Petersburg

7 June 2016

In honor of the birth of Pushkin on June 6, 2016 in the Literary Museum of the Pushkin House (St. Petersburg) was opened the exhibition "Alexander Pushkin. Biography", which will run to June 16. The exhibition features unique materials related to the poet's family history: stamped seal Pushkin, metric book with a record of the birth and baptism of Alexander Pushkin, description and drawing of the emblem. These unique exhibits from the Pushkin Fund in connection with the conditions of their storage rarely and briefly leave the store.  

On the same day was released the next volume of the complete works of Academic Pushkin, collected poems, written by the poet during the southern link from May 6, 1820 (the date of the expulsion from St. Petersburg) on ​​August 1, 1824 (the day of departure from Odessa to Mikhailovskoye). Four years spent in the south have a special place in Pushkin's biography. No other period cannot be compared with them in a variety of life circumstances, and by the abundance of diversity of external impressions, is a lively response in Pushkin's poetry. South link began in Pushkin's time, daring experiments, continuous expansion of the genre, thematic and stylistic range. In these four years was the final formation of Pushkin as an artist. In the spring of 1820 he left St. Petersburg a young poet, whose fame has not come out beyond the narrow literary circles at the time of the arrival in August 1824 in Mikhailovskoye Pushkin gained fame as the first national poet, the fate of which is followed by all reading Russia.

Volume includes more than a hundred texts of Pushkin. It differs from the previous editions of the large number of innovations - primarily new textual interpretation of unfinished poems, reconstructed on the draft manuscript, and the refined dating of the texts.