World history and culture: The exhibition “Athos. Holy Mount” in the Moscow region
The exhibition "Athos. Holy Mountain" is held from June 5 to August 7, 2016 in the Museum and Exhibition Complex "New Jerusalem" in Moscow region.
The exhibition is organized in the framework of the project, dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the presence of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos, in collaboration with the Russian Academy of Arts and section muralists of the Moscow Union of Artists.
It exhibited more than 200 works: paintings, drawings, sculpture, enamels, mosaics, silk screen printing, installation, photography, movies.
Most of the works, presented at the exhibition, are made by masters of the impressions received from the pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain in 2015. Within a few months, with the assistance of the "Russian world" Mount Athos was visited by more than two dozen artists… During pilgrimages artists were able to visit 12 monasteries of Mount Athos, five hermitages and several monastic cells, and Athos capital Karea.
The result of these pilgrimages - a huge number of jobs created as by venerable masters and young artists, inspired by the beautiful countryside of Mount Athos architecture and the life of the inhabitants of the Holy Mountain, and continuing to work on the theme of Athos already on the return from a trip.
In the future, it is planned to show the exhibition in Moscow in the Russian Academy of Fine Arts in Greece.