The Russian language: The Russian Language Week started in Armenia
In the period from 2 to 8 June 2016 the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Yerevan organizes complex events to celebrate the Week of the Russian language in Armenia dedicated to the Great Russian poets and writers, as well as the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
The week was opened with a meeting at the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Yerevan, where the children from school in honor of Andrei Sakharov, presented literary and musical productions. The composition is dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the world-famous children's poet Agnes Barto. As part of the week began to work the international exhibition of children's drawings "Friendship of children of the whole earth!" And an exhibition is dedicated to the works of Alexander Pushkin, which presents books and interesting materials from the library collection of the RCSC in Yerevan.
The V National Festival of the Union of Pushkin schools in the country will be opened in Vanadzor (the Lori region). Students will also participate in the project "We are the one", which is timed to the anniversary of the CIS. In all the schools of Armenia, which are named after the Great Russian poet, in those days the tradition will honor the winners of the Republican Olympiad on the Russian language. Many educational institutions will host concerts and festive program dedicated to the Week of Russian language.
In Lori region will be brought together the members of the public organizations of Russian compatriots, pupils and students, as well as their teachers and all who are keen on Russian poetry. At the Pushkin Pass will be held the XI Republican festival of Pushkin's poetry, "Together with Pushkin we glorify Russia" In the settlement Lernadzor (the Syunik region) members of the public organization "Russians" prepared children's holiday called "We are united by the Russian language".
The RCSC in Yerevan will organize the presentation lesson, prepared for the 195th anniversary of the classic Russian poetry Nikolai Nekrasov.