Museums of Russia: The exhibition “Architecture line. Views of Kuskovo manor in graphics and painting” in Moscow

26 July 2016

In the Museum-Estate "Kuskovo" (Moscow) was opened the exhibition "Architectural line. Views of Kuskovo manor in graphics and painting". Presented at the exhibition paintings, prints, drawings, furniture and layouts - a total of about 50 items - make it possible to get acquainted with the historical appearance of the manor, the architectural originality of each of the buildings.

For the first time in the last century one exhibition presents two completely unique types of series Kuskovo manor from the collections of the State Museum of ceramics and "Kuskovo of the XVIII century" and "Ostankino" Moscow Museum-Estate. Picturesque series was made by unknown Russian artist in 1768-1771, engravings were created in 1771-1780 in Paris and St. Petersburg. The exhibition is supplemented with rare piece of furniture by Master N. Vasilyeva. On the table top of the table for storing notes and prints in the technique of marquetry is made the panorama of Kuskovo manor.