Information technology and youth: International media school “Cyber security: a Look into the Future” in Saint-Petersburg

19 July 2016

The International Media Design "Cybersecurity: A Look into the Future" takes place from 15 to 20 July 2016 St. Petersburg. It was organized by the Russian Military and Historical Society, the Center for student initiatives "North-West", the Union of Cities of Military Glory of Russia, the Committee on Youth Policy and Interaction with NGOs of Saint-Petersburg with the support of the Russian Federation State Duma, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The partners are the Media Design, the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly, Youth Board of the Governor of St. Petersburg, the Eurasian Youth Assembly.

The event is dedicated to the development of interregional and international cooperation of young people, information security, preservation and enhancement of the cultural and historical heritage of Russia with the use of modern media technologies. Participants of Media school - young people from 50 cities of Russia and representatives of 15 foreign countries between the ages of 14 to 30 years.