History of Russia: The exhibition “Time and Money: To the 700th anniversary of the Russian ruble” in Saint-Petersburg

18 July 2016

In Korf hall of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg) was opened the exhibition "Time and Money: To the 700th anniversary of Russian ruble".

The exhibition presents editions of the XIX - XXI centuries from the funds of NLR and samples of coins and banknotes from the personal collections of the library specialists.

Visitors learn about monetary history in Russia, that represented in Russia the ruble predecessors of currency reform and public figures, as well as how the appearance of the ruble for seven centuries was changed (from the silver bars to modern coins banknotes of 1997) and many other things.

For the first time the word "ruble" is mentioned in the Novgorod Chronicle, dated 1316 year. However, the first coins were minted in Russia in the late X century by Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich.

There was a need to put in order the monetary system and the unification of Russian lands with the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. In 1535 the first monetary reform in the history of Russia was carried out by Elena Glinsky. Reform continued Glinsky’s son of Ivan the Terrible. In the future, when Alexey Mikhailovich was put into circulation silver rubles, recoined from German thaler, Peter I carried money and monetary reform, under Catherine II appeared the first bank notes, and Nicholas II introduced the gold standard under Nicholas I replaced the banknotes.

However, the epochs have changed money. The Provisional Government and the new Soviet regime has released its own money.

Publications for the exhibition were provided by Russian book and Russian journal funds, the department of prints and manuscripts t, as well as fund the of NLR microforms.

The exhibition runs until August 18.