Museums of Russia: Materials from the Pyatigorsk Regional Museum collection, dedicated to Leo Tolstoy, are presented at the exhibition in Moscow
The State Museum of Leo Tolstoy (Moscow) July 14, 2016 opens the exhibition "Pyatigorsk, having seen Leo Tolstoy".
A special place in the biography of Leo Tolstoy takes the Caucasus, which has become a "literary cradle" to the writer. The exhibition is dedicated to the stay of Leo Tolstoy in 1852-1853 in Pyatigorsk. The exhibition includes graphic materials from the funds of the Pyatigorsk Museum of Local History - painting, drawing, photography spa town of the mid-XIX century, contemporary photographs, dedicated to the memory of Leo Tolstoy in Pyatigorsk, as well as materials from the collections of the Leo Tolstoy State Museum.
For the first time, Tolstoy arrived in the city on May 26, 1852 for the treatment from Starogladkovskaya village on the Terek. There was a battery of artillery, where he served first as a volunteer and then as a cadet.
During his stay in Pyatigorsk on vacation in 1852-1853 biennium Leo Tolstoy worked on the story "Childhood", stories "The Raid", "Notes of a marker", there was created the plot of the story "The Fugitive, the first version of the future "Cossacks" was written as well as a fragment of the story "The Morning of the landowner".
In his diary Leo Tolstoy records: "I am writing with such enthusiasm that it's hard even: the heart stops. With trepidation I take my notebook".
October 8, 1853 Leo Tolstoy went from Pyatigorsk to the post. Tolstoy was pleased with his stay in Pyatigorsk: "This will be the first city that I'll take no remorse".