History and culture: The exhibition “Reverend Euphemius of Suzdal. To the 700th anniversary of the Saint” in Suzdal

5 July 2016

In the gallery of the Transfiguration Cathedral (Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve, Suzdal) until July 31, 2016 is held an exhibition "Reverend Euphemius of Suzdal. To the 700th anniversary of the saint".

Reverend Euphemius of Suzdal (1316?-1404) - native of Nizhny Novgorod, the founder and first abbot of the monastery of St. Euphemius.

The main source of information about Saint Euphemius is his Life, preserved in several editions. In the second half of the XVI century, a monk of the Monastery of St. Euphemius by Gregory on the basis of earlier hagiographic works were composed lengthy revision Lives of the Saints with a description of 14 miracles.

The exhibition presents objects that, according to the monastic tradition, belonged to St. Euphemius and in the XIX century were at his cancer. Hagiographic cycle of the reverend traced the frescoes of Euphemius chapel of the Transfiguration Cathedral. At the exhibition there are images in the iconography of the Monk, works of applied art and embroideries. The exhibition takes us in times of monastic asceticism, when Russ found monasteries that have had a huge impact on the formation and development of Orthodox life. Among them – the Suzdal Monastery of Saint Euphemius. Founded St. Euphemius monastery today is the largest museum complex that preserves the cultural and historical heritage of Russia.