Information technology and libraries abroad: Princeton University put Soviet children’s books in open access

4 July 2016

Digital Library at Princeton University (USA) has posted on the Internet scanned Soviet books for children and youth, issued during the period from 1918 to 1938. Genres are very different: from the revolutionary poems to mathematical puzzles.

Digital Library at Princeton University has currently about 160 different books by Soviet authors. Among them - the works of Vladimir Mayakovski, Agnes Barto, Samuil Marshak, Eugene Schwartz, as well as other writers and poets of our country. The collection includes such little-known publications the as "Children International" by Yuri Gralitsa and "Youth, go" by Alexei Gastev.

Digitizing these books began to show how diverse in the early decades of the Soviet Union was carried out experimentation with forms of presenting information. With illustrations and various forms was described the period of the country's development. Particular attention of American experts was called on "Five-Year Plan" and the "Book Picture Show", which is an illustrated plan and step by step instructions to create a movie and show it on a special screen.