The Presidential Library: New acquisitions
The Presidential Library collection has been enriched with videos of own production.
Video lecture by director of information resources of the Presidential Library Elena Dmitrievna Zhabko Digital Libraries - the direction of the study: the analysis of the documentary flow (73 min. 52 sec.) is devoted to studying of electronic libraries. Special attention is given to the characteristic forms of the institutional presence of digital libraries abroad, in particular, professional periodicals; the main characteristics of documentary flow; directions of the study of digital libraries; Interdisciplinary studies of digital libraries; future library education.
In the video lectures of the head of the legal service of the Presidential Library Natalia Sergeevna Kruglova Organizational and regulatory aspects of the NEL (83 min. 40 sec.) is covered the history of the creation, development of NEL and its legal structure, characterized by legal aspects of the NEL.
The video lectures of General Counsel of the Presidential Library Maria Leonidovna Oborotova Copyright: conclusion of license agreements in different conditions with different types of holders (66 min. 20 sec.) present speech about the concept, types and conditions of license agreements; how to use the works; about the types of works of copyright holders; about the features of the establishment of owners.
The video lectures of chief scientific officer of the Presidential Library Konstantin Nikolaevich Knyaginin Electronic Resources and Library: the experience of a systematic interpretation of the existing legislation (43 min. 30 sec.) analyzed the existing legislation relating to electronic resources and library. The arguments are built on the basis of Article 1275 of the Civil Code.
The video lectures of leading researcher of the Presidential Library Denis Alexandrovich Savelyev Copyright. General provisions. Objects and subjects of copyright. The concept of copyright. Forms of competences of authors and right holders (40 min. 15 sec.) covers the basics of copyright law, general provisions, objects and subjects of copyright, the kinds of powers of the authors or copyright holders.
The publication of new scientific-informative and educational videos in the portal of the Presidential Library will be continued.