Memory of the World: Large-scale celebrations, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the arrival in the Soviet Union of the first Arctic convoy, start in Russia

29 August 2016
Source: TASS

Large-scale celebrations dedicated to the 75th anniversary of arrival in the Soviet Union of the first allied convoy "Dervish", are held from 29 August to 1 September in Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk. The anniversary program also includes St. Petersburg and Murmansk. The culmination of the commemorative events will fall on 31 August, on the day that exactly 75 years ago on the city roads o anchored ships and transport vessels escort the first convoy north.

In all the cities is planned a whole range of cultural events. For example, in the capital of Pomerania will be held a solemn meeting in memory at the Monument of Victory, which will begin with the All-Russian action "Greeting icebreaker "Krasin" - party allied convoys". It is expected that it will be attended by more than 300 vessels, including 264 ships of the Russian Navy. Their welcome simultaneous beeps will spread from the Pacific Ocean to the Black Sea, and will be addressed standing in St. Petersburg icebreaker - the only remaining afloat party convoys.

On the invitation to celebrate the anniversary date, to pay tribute and gratitude to seafarers were responded nine countries - direct participants in Arctic convoys. As part of the foreign delegations - British Princess Anne with her husband, Vice Admiral Tim Lawrence, the British Ambassador, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, representatives of diplomatic missions in Poland, France, the Netherlands and Iceland. Total Arkhangelsk welcomes about 500 guests, including more than 30 members of allied convoys from the Arkhangelsk region, Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as the ten veterans from the UK and two from the United States.

The Northern Fleet will give a gift to the Museum of Arkhangelsk Sea of historical equipment - road roller and a steam winch. These machines have been raised by military divers with sunk by the Nazis in March 1945, the US transport "Thomas Donaldson", which was part of one of the last Allied convoys JW-65.

As part of the celebration will be held the VI International Forum "For the glory of the fleet and the Fatherland!" and a meeting of the interdepartmental commission on the maritime heritage of the Marine Board at the Government of Russia, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Lend-Lease and the Arctic convoys from regional cooperation to the global coalition meeting Council for Cooperation young sea and river port cities. The program includes ground-orchestra concert of the White Sea and the Leningrad naval base and a brass band Royal Navy Marine football game, performances and fireworks. In Severodvinsk, in the City Museum of Local History will be presented historical materials, including clothing and equipment-contributing countries, the anti-Hitler coalition. In addition, veterans of Allied convoys will meet with pupils of children's sea center "Severomorets" and Marine Cadet School.