Russian Museums: The exhibition "In Praise of Mediatrix. Image of the Virgin in the monuments of the Novgorod State Museum" to be open in Moscow

26 August 2016

In the Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno" started installation of the exhibition "In Praise of Mediatrix. Image of the Virgin in the monuments of the Novgorod Museum Reserve". The exhibition includes more than 140 works of the XI - beginning of XX centuries representing virtually all of the collection of the Novgorod museum. Over the past decade – this is the most large-scale exhibition of the Novgorod Museum outside on the number and variety of her monuments, among which the original collection of masterpieces. With rare exceptions, memorials, presented in "Tsarina", previously exhibited only in the Novgorod Museum.

Among the earliest and most unique monuments are archaeological finds of the XI - XIII centuries. (birchbark manuscripts, crosses, encolpion), as well as fragments of frescoes of St. George's Cathedral St. George Monastery (c. 1130), the Church of the Transfiguration on Nereditsa (1199).

The most significant part of the exhibits make the product icons, among them - such masterpieces of Novgorod icon of the museum's collection as the "Virgin and Child" for the second quarter of the XIV century. Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in the tanner, "The miracle of the icon", "The Virgin of the Sign" ("The Battle of Novgorod and Suzdal") of the second half of the XV century. Church of St. Nicholas Kochanov "Hodegetria" of the late XV century of the complex "Sofia pills" - a gift of Mrs. Rockefeller to the Novgorod museum.

The exhibition will also feature the artistic monuments of metal and small plastic of the XV - XIX centuries. (chalices, crosses, panagia, pectoral icons, folding, etc.), masterpieces of ancient embroideries, among them - the shroud of the XV century, the veil hanging of the XVII to the ancient miracle-working icon "Our Lady of the Sign", the cloak in 1654, and others.

The exhibition will be open on August 30, 2016 in the Atrium of the Bread House Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno" (Moscow) and will run until January 25, 2017.