Prime Minister of Russia: Dmitry Medvedev called for the development of online education in university programs

25 August 2016
Source: TASS

Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has called for the establishment of network resources in online education, which will be built in the university programs. "There is a real shortage of quality educational content. Therefore it is necessary to create specialized network resources that can be tested by experts and built into university programs. These resources, in fact, is already there, but they are few", - he said at a meeting of the presidium of Strategic Development and priority projects of the Council.

According to the government, these resources will benefit both students and teachers both in Russia and abroad. "On the solution of this problem is aimed the fourth direction of our project - a modern digital learning environment", - said Dmitry Medvedev.

According to him, the most difficult - to combine online courses with real educational programs, to determine what the result of the receipt of such online education is, how to check the adequacy of the gained knowledge.

Dmitry Medvedev noted that it is necessary to make the emphasis on preparing students for the professions that are in demand in the country, so that young professionals were not left without a job after graduation.