The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

19 August 2016

The Presidential library collection has been enriched with video materials of its own production.

Video lectures (under the "video materials" Knowledge of Russia "educational project of the Presidential Library).

- 1000 years of repose of Saint Vladimir

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Director of the Institute of Archaeology NAS of Ukraine, Honorary Doctor of Sciences, Professor Pyotr Tolochko in his report Civilizational choice of St. Prince Vladimir of Kiev (50 min. 48 sec.) the main emphasis is on reform of Prince Vladimir, highlighting the great importance and the continued relevance of transformations carried them to the fate of the brotherly Slavic peoples - Russian, Ukrainians and Belarusians. The historian noted that the adoption of Orthodox Christianity by Vladimir was, in fact, civilized choice, an event of great historical importance in the social, political and cultural relations. This event helped to strengthen the young Russian state, the creation of a broad framework for the association of ancient society, the formation of a single nation on the basis of common spiritual and moral principles. Christianity is not only brought with it a written language, but also promoted the development of Russia in the art, the architecture, the emergence of the first chronicles, schools, the creation of literary and artistic values ​​of the global scale.

- 200th anniversary of the Congress of Vienna

Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of Russian history of the XIX century - beginning of XX century of the historical faculty of Moscow State University Oleg Rudolfovich Airapetov at lecture Congress of Vienna and the struggle for the post Napoleonic world order (54 min 22 sec.) described the process of negotiations, the positions of the countries - participants of the Congress, as well as the subsequent implementation of the provisions adopted. The lecturer drew the audience's attention to the fact that the Congress created a system existed until 1871, gradually being transformed under the influence of the changes that occurred in the life of the individual countries and the international community as a whole.

To Interpersonal relations as one of the factors of decision-making at the Congress of Vienna (44 min. 34 sec.) has devoted his speech the candidate of historical sciences, professor, head of strategic communications of the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Andrey Leonidovich Khazin. Special attention is paid to the Russian Emperor Alexander I, who played a special role in the struggle for a new world order.

Doctor of historical sciences, professor of the Institute of History, the St. Petersburg State University Leonid Vladimirovich Vyskochkov in his speech in the Eastern Question Policy of Nicholas I (54 min. 16 sec.) traced the subsequent fate of some of the decisions of the Congress of Vienna in the context of Russian foreign policy. He showed how over the next four decades has changed the attitude of the next monarch of Russia, Nicholas I, to the Vienna system of international relations in connection with changes in the international situation and the need to address an important issue for the Russian east.

- 150th anniversary of the Judicial Reform

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Humanities Institute SKFU, a member of the Office of the activities of magistrates of the Public Council of the Stavropol Territory Igor Viktorovih Zozulya in the report provisions Implementing legal regulations 20 November 1864 in the North Caucasus: a retrospective of the development of the second half of XIX - early XX century (29 min. 48 sec.) revealed features of distribution of judicial reform in the North Caucasus.

Video films

In the film, the Holy Synod (22 min. 15 sec.) is presented a collection of the Presidential Library - "The Holy Synod in the history of the Russian state". The book is about the history of the building, which houses the Synod, the Synod of the printing of the library of the Moscow Theological Seminary, of the chief prosecutors and members of the Synod, the Synod of the missionary activity of the Synodal Library.

The film Rescued frescoes of Staraya Ladoga. Church of the XII century (44 min. 16 sec.), Ph.D., curator of the fund murals and building materials of the Staraya Ladoga Historical-Architectural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve Boris Grigoryevich Vasiliev tells about the work carried out in the museum since 1973, on the accumulation and study of the collection of fragments of frescoes and building material samples six stone churches in Ladoga XII. Before our time on the walls partially preserved painted churches of St. George, the Assumption and small areas of the painting on the western pillars and on the south wall of the church of St. Nicholas.

The film World Heritage on the map Russia: to the 70th anniversary of UNESCO on the map (15 min. 09 sec.) is dedicated to the exhibition, which was held from November 16, 2015 May 19, 2016 in the Presidential Library all the 27 Russian objects were presented at the exhibition, protected by a global organization. The film covered the procedure for obtaining the status of an object of cultural heritage, given the documents governing the protection of the world cultural heritage. Particular attention is paid to the Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments, Historic Monuments of Novgorod and Surroundings, natural objects.

The training film Alphabet of the Voter (7 min. 33 sec.) describes the major milestones of the history of the electoral system and elections in Russia, special attention is paid to the characteristics of modern electoral system of the Russian Federation.

The preparation of new materials will be continued.