History and Culture: Historical relics are on display in the Novgorod Museum Reserve

19 August 2016

August 19, 2016 in the exhibition halls of the Museum of Fine Arts of the Novgorod Museum Reserve presents "Gruzino - "small Petersburg" of Count Arakcheev". Visitors will see about 150 items from the estate of Gruzino stored in the Novgorod Museum Reserve, reproductions of drawings and drawings of the 1920s - 30s from the Shchusev Museum of Architecture (Moscow), as well as materials from the National Archives and the Novgorod region of the Military historical museum of artillery, engineer and Signal Corps (St. Petersburg). The exhibition will run until December 25th.

The exhibition will reflect several topics related to the substance and the life of its owner. About half of the exhibits - from the Lost Cathedral of St. Andrew. These are church relics and memorials of the established Arakcheyev in the temple. The other part comes from the estate of the palace.

The most prominent is a complex of relics associated with the figure of Alexander I. Among them - Arakcheev Emperor gifts, commemorative trinkets, church vestments, sewn of velvet that covered the hearse with the body of Alexander, etc. They emphasize the character of Arakcheev, who until the end of life remained faithful to their patron and meticulously, in the museum, preserved everything that was associated with his life and the memory of it. You can also see the exhibition and a unique service with the arms Arakcheev, miniature, donated by the Count to his favorite Anastasia Minkina. All this is evidence of the private life of an influential statesman who left even controversial, but the brightest trace in Russian history.