Memorable dates of Russia: The 171st anniversary of the Russian Geographical Society celebration in St. Petersburg
On August 18, 2016, turns 171 years since the founding of the Russian Geographical Society - the oldest public organization in our country. On the society’s birthday an exciting program is waiting for all the guests in its historic headquarters in St. Petersburg.
Starting in the very morning, popular science and documentary movies lovers can see the films dedicated to the history and prominent figures of the Russian Geographical Society, the geographers-scientists during the Great Patriotic War, expeditions and trips across Russia and abroad.
The exhibition dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the famous Russian anthropologist and ethnographer Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay features the diaries and travel notebooks of the scholar, hand drawn maps, portrayals of the aborigines, sketches of their structures, objects of culture and everyday life, photos from the travels and private archive of the researcher.
A sightseeing tour of the Russian Geographical Society Headquarters will tell how the unique building and with its outstanding interiors was designed, about its visitors and contemporary undertakings of the Company. During the tour, on the exhibition of paintings entitled “Geography. The anthropomorphic maps” in the Small Hall the audience will be able to communicate with the author of unusual card artist Leonid Vasilevsky.