Museums of Russia: The “Aground, Above and Afloat…” retrospective on the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation began in Moscow
The “Aground, Above and Afloat…” retrospective, just opened at the Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation (Moscow), is arranged to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the museum establishment. The exposition covers the main steps of the ten-year history of the Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia - from an origin of the concept of the new museum to the lately implemented exhibition projects. The museum establishment became possible owning to the cooperation of the Foundation for Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of the Russian Federation named after General E. N. Kocheshkov and staff employees of the Museum-panorama the Battle of Borodino.
Archival documents and photographs let into a history of the museum building construction, the project choices for the museum exhibition, a ceremony of official opening of the museum and introduce its honored guests.
Themes of “a heroism” and “a feat” - both military and labor- became the key ones in the museum's activities. In a core of collection there are the military awards, military memorabilia, personal belongings and family archives, handed to the museum by those who earned the honored title of Hero, their relatives and fellows from the military service. A special place on the exposition belongs to a portrait gallery of works, created particularly for the opening of the museum in 2007.
The young artists interpret a theme of the military service, duty and heroism in their paintings, sculptures and decorative arts from the museum collection.
The official date of the museum foundation - August 1, 2006, when the order of the Government of Moscow № 1491-RP to create a “Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia” was signed. On December 1, 2007, the museum officially received its first visitors in a specially constructed building.
The objective of the Museum of Heroes in the status of the department of the Museum-panorama the Battle of Borodino is the period of the country's history since 1934, when the highest degree of distinction - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union - was established, to a present day, including the establishment of the title of Hero of the Russian Federation in 1992. The museum exposition, shaped in 2006-2004 years and modernized in 2015, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, is dedicated to these events.