Exhibitions: Exposition “Sylvester Schedrin and School of Posillipo” in St. Petersburg

15 August 2016

Exhibition “Sylvester Schedrin and School of Posillipo. To the 225th Anniversary of the Artist” was opened in St. Michael’s Castle (The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg).

Silvester Schedrin (1791–1830) is a prominent master of Russian landscape of romanticism epoch. He was one of the first masters who started making landscapes directly from nature, reflecting the vision of the air and light and the idea of the unity of man and nature. His works were highly praised by the contemporaries and heirs, becoming the classics of the Russian school of landscape painting.

From 1818 till the very death Schedrin lived in Italy and sent the works he made there to the motherland. While working in Rome and Naples and their environs Schedrin communicated with local artists and influenced the southern-Italian landscape school (so called Posillipo school)… that united various artists from Italy, Germany and Holland.

The exhibition will comprise around 100 pieces of art by Schedrin and painters of Posillipo school from the Russian Museum and other museum collections. The exhibition will present the oeuvre of this brilliant representative of Russian landscape school together with paintings of his European contemporaries – landscape painters.