Peoples of the World: The exhibition “Family in culture of peoples of Eurasia. XX century” in Dushanbe

11 August 2016

August 5, 2016 at the National Museum of Tajikistan (Dushanbe) together with the Russian Ethnographic Museum and the Russian center of the Tajik National University with the support of the Russian Embassy and Rossotrudnichestvo in Tajikistan was held the opening ceremony of the exhibition "Family in the culture of the peoples of Eurasia. XX century". The exhibition presents photographs from the collection of the Russian Museum of Ethnography, which get familiar with the everyday and festive traditional family life of the early XX century, the peoples of the Volga region, Siberia, Caucasus and Central Asia.

The exhibition, which includes more than 80 photographs and a video film, mounted of frames by Soviet photographers, aroused great public interest of the citizens of the republic. The historical part of the exhibition complements the video presentation of the life of the family of the Soviet period (from 1922 until the mid-1980s) based on news agencies.