History and culture: Unique materials are presented at the exhibition in the Museum-Reserve “Manor “Muranovo”

11 August 2016

At the Museum-Reserve "F. I. Tyutchev Manor "Muranovo" (the Moscow region) was opened the exhibition "To the 200th anniversary of the acquisition of Muranovo by Engelhard". It is from October 30, 1816 - the date of purchase of the estate by Catherine Petrovna Engelhard – Muranovp process of entering the history of Russian culture.

The main artistic image of the exhibition - the genealogical tree, which has become a symbol of national culture and continuity of family traditions. Visitors can also see a video projection which did not come down to our time of Muranovo buildings. Among them - the reconstruction of the manor house of Leo Engelhard. You can see a copy of the estate plan stored in the State Historical Museum. The plan presents as Engelhard old house and a newly built Boratynsky house.

The exposition includes archival material of Muranovo museum funds. These are plans, drawings, property and economic and legal documents. Among the rare exhibits telling about the history of the estate, you can see the first copies of autographs of Boratynsky, the originals of which are kept in the Pushkin House of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. Among the manuscripts of the poet a special place is occupied in the draft written in Muranovo poem "On planting forests" with the self-portrait of the poet.

A special section is dedicated to the heyday of the estate at its last owners - Putyata and Tiutchev. It was at this time on the estate to build a church and a school, rebuilt the dam and the water mill.

Stored family albums in the museum provide an opportunity to show pictures as Muranovo inhabitants and unpreserved manor buildings.

The exhibition will run until December 31, 2016.