Memory of Russia: Reconstructed Resurrection Cathedral was opened in Omsk to the 300th anniversary of the city

8 August 2016

In Omsk there was revived the first stone church, which the writer Fyodor Dostoevsky visited, he future Emperor Nicholas II prayed, who christened the future artist Mikhail Vrubel, the poet Innocent Annensky, General Dmitry Karbyshev. For over a half century the Cathedral was one of the spiritual centers of the city. To the 300th anniversary of Omsk the temple received the second life. It is worth noting that it was rebuilt in a record six months, and now on stage - reconstruction of the interior decoration of the cathedral.

Inside the temple was deployed a temporary exhibition, at which Omsk museums presented archaeological finds, found in excavations of the Resurrection Cathedral, church books with entries of the baptism of the famous residents of the city, and the main stages of the rebuilding of the temple.

The Resurrection Cathedral was built in the XVIII century. The decoration of the temple was once unique details and images, its walls were decorated with icons of European painting, carved iconostasis. There was one of the richest libraries in Siberia at that time. The collection includes copies of the Gospel, sent by the Empress Catherine II and Elizabeth. In Soviet times, the service in the cathedral was discontinued in 1920s, the building was given by the Komsomol Omsk club, and dismantled in 1958.