World culture: The exhibition, dedicated to the work and life of Giovanni Batista Piranesi, in Moscow

8 August 2016

The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow) September 20, 2016 will present a major exhibition devoted to the great Italian engraver, architect, researcher and collector of Roman antiquities, decorator Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778). The exhibition will include more than 100 etchings of Piranesi, etchings and drawings predecessors and followers of the master molds, medals, books, models from the collection of the Pushkin Museum, Cini Foundation (Venice), the A. V. Shchusev Scientific Research Museum of Architecture, the Scientific Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts, and other Russian and Western European assembly. 

Through the work of predecessors and successors of the Italian master, the viewer will be able to get an idea of the formation of the creative personality of Piranesi, about the impact of his art for the next generation of artists and what role it played in the Russian heritage. Work and life of Piranesi inspired the architects of the court of Catherine II - Giacomo Quarenghi, Charles Cameron, Vincenzo Brenna; Russian avant-garde artists - Ivan Leonidov, Konstantin Melnikov, Jacob Chernihov. And today it continues to excite their sophistication: contemporary Russian artist Valery Koshlakov will present to the public a work created especially for this exhibition.

The exhibition is prepared by the Pushkin Museum together with the Italian Institute of Culture.