Museums of Russia: The exhibition “The Museum ABC” in the Museum of Moscow

5 August 2016

August 5, 2016 at the Museum of Moscow presents "The Museums ABC" - one of the central events of the anniversary year. "The Museum ABC" - 2000 exhibits, many of which previously were not shown to the public: from the smallest archaeological finds of the 4th century BC - to the Soviet cars.

The Museum of Moscow has its own interesting and complicated history, during 120 years the Museum has repeatedly changed its name, location and concept. From specialized museums of municipal services to multi-Moscow Museum; from showing up urban achievements polyphonic narrative about the history of the city, its modern development and future plans. All these changes helped to gather truly unique, constantly updated collection - more than 1 million items, including paintings, drawings, photos, models, maps and plans, documents, movies, books, albums, posters, everyday objects, monuments of the urban environment, everyday culture.

The Museum of Moscow invites citizens to assess the scale and diversity of its collection. "The Museum ABC" - a game in which, considering the collection with almost sesquicentennial history from "A" to "Z", you can see how life and city life changed as well as the fate of the Muscovites.

The exhibition will run till November 13.