Museums and Society: The M. A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve took part in the exhibition project “Literary places in Russia”

25 September 2016

September 22, 2016 in Moscow, at the State Museum of Leo Tolstoy, started the exhibition project ""Here lived a genius…" Literary places in Russia. To the 100th anniversary of the artist Boris Shcherbakov" that first collected more than 50 canvases from the collections of seven Russian museums, including the M. A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve.

Hereditary artist, a master of landscape painting Boris Shcherbakov (1916-1995) from the 30th to the end of the 70s of the XX century, worked on thematic cycles dedicated to memorable places of Russian literature, which are associated with the names of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Lermontov, Sholokhov.

To Sholokhov places the artist turned in 1973-1974 years. In the village Vyoshenskaya he worked on a cycle of the Don landscapes, met with M. A. Sholokhov. 40 paintings were created, 17 of them are kept and exhibited in the M. A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. At the exhibition in Moscow are presented 5 landscapes - "The White Mountains", "Steppe darling", "Noon. Steppe ridges", "Waiting", "Zadonsky distance. Autumn time".

The exhibition project is supported by the State Leo Tolstoy Museum, the State Pushkin Museum, the State Memorial and Natural Preserve "Museum-Estate of Leo Tolstoy" Yasnaya Polyana", the State Memorial History and Literature and the Pushkin Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve "Mikhailovskoye", the Turgenev Orlovsky United State literary Museum, the State Museum and exhibition center "ROSIZO".

The exhibition will run until November 22.