Memory of Russia: The exhibition “On the way to Victory” in Cheboksary
Cheboksary "Rainbow" cultural exhibition center hosts the exhibition "Toward Victory". At the same time it started the Republican contest-festival of research and creative works in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow in the framework of the project "Great sons of Russia".
The exhibition "Toward Victory" is devoted to 1941 - one of the most difficult periods of the war. The exhibition includes copies of works by famous artists of battle genre Peter Krivonogov, Nicholas Prisekin, Paul Rizhenko telling of the Protection of Brest and the defense of Sevastopol, the parade in honor of November 7, 1941, the defense of Moscow. The exhibition is complemented with propaganda posters, created by Soviet artists in 1941 and intended to raise the morale of the soldiers. Special attention is given to show the natives of Chuvashia - Heroes of the Soviet Union. Eight Cheboksary streets bear their names.