Information technology and history: History of the Russian anthem is presented using multimedia technology on display in the Rostov region

17 September 2016

September 17, 2016 at the M. A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve (the Rostov region) is opened an interactive exhibition "Hymn of Russia". The exhibition presents the history of the Russian Federation’s National Anthem and its predecessors - hymns of our country from the XVI century to the present day.

The exhibition "Anthem of Russia" - an interactive journey through time: the visitors will feel themselves as participants in the events of different eras and learn interesting facts about the history of our national anthem.

In one exhibition space are combined advanced multimedia technology and rare historical documents and authentic exhibits. In particular, it demonstrates the icon of Christ Pantocrator of the XVII century; theatrical costume of Fyodor Chaliapin to speak in the scene of the coronation of Boris Godunov; musical instruments epoch of Peter I; Chamber oven structure selected Paul I for the anthem, two French horns, two clarinets and bassoon; personal belongings of  A. F. Lvov, author of music anthem "God Save the Tsar!"; autographs of composers and poets who participated in the contest for the creation of the Commune of the Soviet Union in 1943, and others.

The musical accompaniment of the exhibition presents old marches, hymn and solemn tunes from different eras ("March of the Preobrazhensky Regiment", "Grom Pobedy!", anthems "God Save the Tsar", "La Marseillaise", "International", Anthem of the USSR and the Anthem of Russia).

The highlight of the exhibition is the execution of a large virtual chorus of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation, to which every visitor can join.

The exhibition will run until December 4, 2016.