Information technology and Russian regions: Master class for creating audio guide at Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky in the Regional Scientific Library

16 September 2016

In the S. P. Krashennikov Kamchatka Regional Scientific Library on September 16, 2016 is held a master class "Creating a copyright tours and audio guides", in which all the participants will present the creation of audio guide for Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, to take advantage of that in the future could be anyone.

Master class is conducted by members of the Russian Geographical Society, the Russian publisher, business consultant, traveler Ildar Mamatov from St. Petersburg.

All participants will be asked to register themselves on the website and get acquainted with the program, which allows you to not only learn specific information, but also to create an audio guide of the places of interest. Also the present will be able to get acquainted with the exhibition of the books by "Vitus Bering and Kamchatka expedition", prepared by the Department of Local History Library.