Regions of Russia: Exhibition of painting "Staraya Ladoga in the works of artists of XX-XXI centuries" in the Leningrad region

16 September 2016

From September 16 to November 30, 2016 at the Museum-Reserve "Staraya Ladoga" (the Leningrad region) is held the exhibition of paintings "Staraya Ladoga in the works of artists of XX-XXI centuries".

Staraya Ladoga with its historical landscape, ancient monuments, picturesque corners, quiet rural life has long attracted the attention of artists. Even in the XIX century at the Manor of A. R. Tomilov frequent guests were the famous painters, among them - Kiprensky, Kustodiev, Roerich, etc. In their works they captured the Ladoga landscapes, portraits of its inhabitants. In the XX century the tradition will be continued – it was founded in the middle of the century, opposite the Old Ladoga creative base of the Art Fund of the RSFSR for many decades became a haven and a place of intensive work of several generations of artists.

The works presented at the exhibition cover a hundred years - from small paintings by Alexander Vladimirovich Fischev made during his stay in the Poconos in 1915, to the latest acquisition - the XXI century.