History of Russia: Exposition on the History of the USSR Transport in Moscow
A new exposition, "All Passengers Happily Alight at the Terminus", devoted to the USSR municipal transport will operate from September 16 till December 12, 2016 at VDNH Pavilion No. 67 (Karelia). Guests of the exposition will be able to see the photos, posters and frames from favourite films, a collection of large-scale models, traffic lights, and the uniform of metro staff.
The main character of the exposition is the city changing rapidly during the 20th century. Municipal transport is one of the most vivid features of the time. Back in the 1930s horse-drawn carriages neighbored cars, trams, and bullock carts on the streets. During that time a brand new mode of transportation, the metro, appeared in Moscow, which opened an underground world for the Muscovites. The image of the city changed in the postwar years. Horses were finally replaced by cars that grew in number year by year.
A collection of models of passenger cars, buses, trolleybuses, trams, and special-purpose vehicles (fire trucks, patrol cars, ambulances, post-office cars, and trucks) represents the timeline of Russian car industry development. Photos made by outstanding masters and picturesque compositions will supplement this part of the exposition. Children's toys created on the basis of prototypes of real cars, posters appealing to treat municipal transport with care and to buy raffle tickets, the first traffic lights, fare boxes, and the markings of metro footbridges — all these are features of their time and can tell a lot about the past epoch.