Information technology and libraries: Books from the collections of the Pushkin Central City Children's Library are digitized
ELAR Corporation digitized rare books from the rare fund and modern editions from the collection of the Pushkin Central City Children's Library (Saint-Petersburg). According to the deputy director of automation Natalia Hramtsova library digitization helps institutions to implement projects to promote the reading and presentation of the history of publishing children's literature.
Readings in electronic form are available, for example, the works of the leading representatives of books of the first half of the XIX century and early XX century, lifetime editions of well-known children's writers: L. A. Charskaya, A. B. Khvolson, S. Y. Marshak, K. O. Chukovsky, A. L. Barto and others. Digitisation allows the library to save valuable originals, and readers get a thorough and visual representation of how historically evolved publishing and design art children's books. Modern children's literature is also valuable as a historical and cultural source.
This year, in addition to scanning ELAR the specialists work on the formation of PDF-books. After digitizing and processing of images were created automatically recognized text support for PDF. If necessary was held a transliteration of the text, and automatic replacement of the signs of pre-revolutionary spelling on signs of the modern alphabet. For more convenient search for each PDF-file were made bookmarks for table of contents.