Internet and museums: Virtual Directory "Watercolors and drawings by Alexei Bogolyubov before and after restoration" is presented at the website of the Radischev Museum

13 September 2016

The Radishchev Museum (Saratov) is a virtual interactive catalog "Watercolours and drawings by Alexei Bogolyubov before and after restoration". Directory created on materials of the exhibition "Watercolors and Drawings of A. P. Bogolyubov after the restoration of 2011-2012 years".

37 graphic works by Alexei Bogolyubov, restored at the All-Russian Art Scientific and Restoration Center (GRC) in 2011-2012, give an idea about the features of the author's drawing manners, owned by different techniques of drawing, the subtle coloristic taste inherent in not only his paintings but also miniature watercolors. Created in Russia and in many European countries - France, Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Italy - they form a kind of a huge album, locking fascinating journey of the artist.

Fund of graphics of A. P. Bogolyubov with landscape materials is about 1 000 pages and almost entirely relates to the original collection of the museum received from its founder during his lifetime and in his testament (1885-1899 years).