World History and Culture: The unique layout of the mosque Shahzad is presented at the exhibition in Feodosia

9 September 2016

September 9, 2016 in the Great Hall of the Archaeological Feodosia Museum of Antiquities is held a presentation of the third exhibition of the exhibition project "The origins of the history - 2016": "The origins of the Ottoman Kefe".

The exhibition will feature the unique layout of the mosque Shahzad - Suleiman Khan-Jami, and the plan of the mosque, taken in 1798 by architect William Esty.

Visitors will also get acquainted with Ottoman coins of the XV-XVI centuries, pitchers with Arabic script and with Turkish pipes.

Suleiman Mosque Shahzad Khan, known as Sultan-Selim and Bink (Buyuk)-Dzhami, was built in 1522 in the center of the Ottoman Kefe (modern district Morsada) by the great Ottoman architect Sinan Khoja. Bink-Jami has the largest Muslim temple Kef, one of the most impressive buildings in the Crimea.

The beauty and grandeur of the architecture of the mosque Suleiman Shahzad Khan admired the famous travelers and explorers. For example, the famous Turkish traveler Elvia Çelebi, who visited Kef in 1667, in his "Book of Travels" describing it as the best of the Sultan's mosques. An academician Peter Simon Pallas, who saw the building of a mosque in 1793-1794, ten years after the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Empire, noted that "…it was the most beautiful building of Feodosia..."

Opening of the exhibition is timed to the holiday of all Muslims of Crimea - Eid al-Adha, which will be held on September 12, 2016.

The exhibition will run until September 9-23, 2016.