Regions of Russia: The IV Congress of Mayors of small cities "Small towns - great culture" to be held in Gorodets
September 9, 2016 in the cultural and tourist complex "Manor of A. Lapshina" in Gorodets (Nizhny Novgorod region) will be open the IV Congress of Mayors of small cities "Small towns - great culture".
The main purpose of the congress, which conducts the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation in cooperation with Ministry of Culture of the Nizhny Novgorod region, is to promote the development of culture and the promotion of the tourist potential of small towns in our country. It will be attended by representatives of the Union of small cities of the Russian Federation, event tourism experts and representatives of the Association "National art crafts of Russia".
As part of the Congress will run thematic sections "Fame + image + interest = attract tourists formula in a small town" and "What we have – we keep: the role of cultural heritage as an important factor of development of domestic tourism".