Society and Culture: Geographical maps of the emigre collections will be presented at the exhibition in Moscow
September 7, 2016 in the Alexander Solzhenitsyn House of Russian Abroad (Moscow) will be held an exhibition ""Circle of the Earth" of Russian abroad. Geographical maps of the emigre collections".
The exhibition presents the original maps of XVII - beginning of XX century from the collections of Russian foreign houses, collected and stored by Russian emigrants: N. I. Vorobiev (1869-1950), a prominent ethnographer, researcher of the Black Sea coast; S. N. Krikoryan (1925-2015), journalist and collector of historical and cultural heritage; V. M. Tomic (1914-2013), historian of Russian Air Force and Navy.
A separate section of the exposition (prepared jointly with the Russian Geographical Society and the Russian State Archives of the Navy) tells the story of Lev Semenovich Bagrov (1881-1957), an officer of the Russian Navy, the outstanding historian of cartography, from the date of birth which this year celebrated 135 years. His first published works devoted to the old maps of the Black Sea, the Asian Russia and other issues, were published at the beginning of the XX century and have not lost their relevance to this day. A unique collection of antique maps collected by L. S. Bagrov is stored at Harvard University (USA). For a long time the legacy of this outstanding scientist was almost forgotten at home. In Russia the first publication, dedicated to Bagrov, began to appear only recently.