The Presidential Library: The registration for the “Cultural Heritage: Resource Integration in the Digital Environment” VII Scientific-practical conference is being continued
The Presidential Library, the Federal Archival Agency, the Union of Museums of Russia, the Russian Library Association within the Annual Integration Forum are carrying out the “Cultural Heritage: Resource Integration of in the Digital Environment” VII Scientific-practical Conference.
Location: The Presidential Library, 3 Senate Square, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 190000.
Dates: October 05-06, 2016.
The conference agenda suggests discussing a state and the prospects of integration of the digital resources on the national and regional levels, an effective data retrieval organization, as well as a number of other urgent problems:
- Strategies for the national digital resources content formation: its federal and regional aspects;
- Integrated information library-archive-museum environment as an innovative software and technological platform;
- Problems of current formation of the metadata of digital collections.
Carrying out of a particular round table entitled the "Unknown Photographic Heritage: to the Issues of Identification and Representation" is in plans.
To participate in the conference are invited: representatives of libraries, archives, museums, educational and research institutions, associations and federal and regional organizations.
Registration of participants: please fill out an electronic form on the Presidential Library website for the conference participation.
Applications for participation in the conference as listeners are accepted until September 25, 2016. Applications for participation as speakers accepted for consideration until September 16, 2016.
Shortly before the conference, from the 3rd to 5th of October 2016, the "Digital Collections: Method and Practice of Formation" training seminar will be held at the Presidential Library. Issues related to the selection of information resources, scanning, cataloging and indexing, to the search organization and collections accessing are in the agenda and expected for consideration. For the first time the seminar program includes a thematic cluster on copyright and license agreements.
Up to date information about the conference is published on the Presidential Library website at in the "Conferences" section.