Society and Book Culture: The III All-Russian Children's Book Festival in Moscow

28 October 2016
Source: Rospechat

From 28 to 30 October 2016 the Russian State Children's Library (Moscow) hosts the III All-Russian Children's Book Festival.

The theme of the festival will be a fairy tale. In just three days of the festival will be held more than 100 activities for all ages: meetings with writers, illustrators, workshops, interactive performances, film and animated shows.  

Within the festival will be held an exhibition-fair of children's books of more than 50 publishing houses from all over Russia. On publishing stands will be featured new books of not only by modern children's writers and artists, but also the latest reissues of classic books, as well as informative and educational literature. 

Also the program will be attended by contemporary writers, will be held Children's readers' conference, at which the young critics will discuss contemporary works, will be held a creative workshop "New writer" under the direction of Lev Yakovlev and more.

For Professionals will be held roundtables dedicated to movies and animated adaptations of contemporary works for children and teenagers, a modern fairy tale and fantasy, illustration. The round table is devoted to the film adaptation, will be attended by the leaders of the major film and cartoon festivals, animators, directors and producers. Round table, dedicated to the fairy tale and fiction, will be held under the leadership of the literary and art magazine "October".