Book publishing and book distribution: The XXI International Book Salon opens in Algeria

26 October 2016
Source: Rospechat

From October 26 to November 5, 2016 in Algeria is held the XXI annual International Exhibition of Book (SILA), where Russia presents the national stand.

Book Salon is one of the most important events in the cultural life of the country. The main objectives of the Algeria book salon: to familiarize visitors with literary novelties of the world, the organization of professional communication of authors, publishers, librarians, booksellers, the development of reader interest in literature.

A few years Russia has not participated in the Algiers International Book Salon, but it was decided to resume the good tradition in 2016. More than 400 books in Russian, Arabic and French languages ​​brought to the Algerian book shop under the "Books of Russia".

As part of the Russian cultural program will be held 7 events: public lectures, meetings, round table on the problems of translation and others. All of the announced projects are aimed at the development of interest to Algerian readers of Russian literature, the continuation and strengthening of cultural ties between Russia and Algeria.