History and culture: Exhibition "Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society. Activities. History"
The Reading Room of the Scientific Library of the Museum of History of Religion (St. Petersburg) hosts the exhibition "Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society. Activities. History".
The exhibition includes rare and valuable books from the collection of the Library of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS). In 1952 the largest part of the collection (about 11 thousand units storage) managed to get into the book collection of the Scientific Library of the Museum of the History of Religion. It has been preserved in its original form, framed in a specially made covers, bearing the emblem bookplates IOPS. This is the only collection, which has preserved its original balance of a systematic developed by IOPS members. Its structure includes various kinds of publications: books, voluminous writings, journal articles, individual prints, newspaper articles, book reviews, obituaries, speeches at various meetings of IOPS. It is noteworthy that the personal library of the founder, member and honorary secretary IOPS V. N. Khitrovo with his bookplates and handwritten litters also included with the composition of IOPS library.
This book collection has unquestionable value as a well-chosen collection of materials on the history of Palestine and various aspects of the study of the Holy Land. It also reflects the large-scale activities, including research and education, of the Society. Many studies have been written by well-known scholars and church historians, members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, teachers of the highest theological academies, who made a great contribution to the development of the humanities. Society published manuscripts and commentaries, translation into Russian of foreign studies, publishing their works.
Visitors can get acquainted with rare editions from the Library IOPS and modern scientific research to study the IOPS performance.
It is also well represented the publishing and educational activities of the Company, rare books of 16-17 centuries, picture books, albums of prints, copies and books autographed by the authors and inscriptions Library IOPS and personally the founder of the Society V. N. Khitrovo.
Special attention is paid to publications dedicated to monastic life on Mount Athos and pilgrimages to Mount Athos and the Holy Land. These are numerous guides with a detailed description of temples and shrines, travel notes, impressions and descriptions of travel of Russian and foreign pilgrims.
The exhibition formed by unique photos from the museum, illustrating the Society’s daily life.