History and culture: Documents from the personal archives of contemporary Russian writers are presented at the exhibition in Moscow

23 October 2016

In the Rumyantsev reading room of the Pashkov House is held an exhibition "Return of spring…". Manuscript Department of the Russian State Library presents unique documents from the personal archives of contemporary Russian writers - Vasily Belov, Valentin Rasputin, Vasily Shukshin and Vladimir Krupin.

The contribution of writers whose work is represented in the exhibition, in the preservation of the spiritual foundations of the Fatherland cannot be overestimated.

Elena Igorevna Sokolova, Head of Sector of the Department of manuscripts, the exhibition's curator, said: "The main objectives of the exhibition - to remind visitors of the RSL of famous contemporaries and to tell about what kind of hard work was done by archivists of Manuscripts Department in the last ten years to replenish the funds of the library". It was during these years were completed with materials that can be seen in the exhibition.

The exhibition "Return of spring" is a unique opportunity to see the correspondence of writers autographs Victor Petrovich Astafiev, Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov, Alexander Yakovlevich Yashin, rare photos of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov, Yuri Alexeevich Gagarin, and many other documents of critical epoch in the history of Russia.

The exhibition will run until October 27, 2016.